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CONTI SYNCHRODRIVE N10 Polyurethane Open-Ended Nubbed Belts

Polyurethane open-ended nubbed belts CONTI SYNCHRODRIVE N10 are a special type of belt that does not have classic teeth like other timing belts. It has cylindrical protrusions staggered alternately by half the pitch.

The pulley must have the same shape so that the protrusions fit into it exactly. This ensures synchronous operation and, in addition, proper belt guidance. Inside the belt there are steel tensile fibers, in special cases aramid or stainless steel.

The open-ended belts can be welded into endless belts.




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Belts Construction


    1. Polyurethane nubs (fabric cover on teeth upon request)
    2. Tension member/steel cord
    3. Polyurethane backing (fabric cover on backing upon request)

Belts Fields of Use

The belts are used in special applications where the self-guiding property of the belt drive and the low pulley width are required and when pulleys with flanges cannot be used.

The belts also reduce vibrations generated by the so-called polygon effect.

Belts Characteristics

  • High transmitted power and long service life
  • Self-conducting properties
  • Resistant to oil, petrol, benzene, UV radiation and ozone
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Maintenance-free
  • Temperature range, depending on application, from −30 °C to +80 °C

Belts Code Description


Code Part Description



Belt width in mm


Type of belt


Pay attention to the need to use special pulleys for the N10 knob profile.

Optional Belt Surface Layers

The choice of the surface layer depends on the type of machine, the ambient temperature, the size of the pulleys, etc. Specifying the surface layer is determined by the material and the thickness of the layer.

Layer Name Material Layer Illustration
PAZ (NFT) - nylon fabric on teeth
Low coefficient of friction
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on teeth)
PAR (NFB) - nylon fabric on back
Surface protection
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on back)
PAZ + PAR (NFT + NFB) - fabric on teeth and back
Low coefficient of friction and surface protection
Nylon PAZ PAR (fabric on teeth and back)

The fabric on teeth and back can be combined with all other layers. A complete range of belt surface layers

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 903.91 kB)

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)

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Belt Manufacturer Profile


Continental is the world’s largest specialist for rubber and plastics technology in the non-tire rubber sector. A division of Continental AG, the company develops and produces functional parts, components and systems for the automotive and other important industries.

ContiTech importance on immediate proximity to customers. ContiTech is active in 26 countries with 75 production sites and more than 40 R&D facilities and sales organizations. The customers around the world stand to profit: Greater safety. Higher efficiency. Closer proximity.

TYMA CZ, s.r.o., is the official distributor of Continental ContiTech Power Transmission Group.

more information about manufacturer