SPB VTP - High Speed V-Belt Pulleys
VTP high-speed V-belt pulleys in SPB profile are a special type of V-belt pulleys. They are made of cast steel GGG 50 and compared to conventional pulleys made of gray cast iron, they have significantly better properties: higher strength and resistance, lower weight and higher peripheral speed.
The pulleys are mounted to the shafts using Taper Lock cone bushings.
Products are sorted by name in ascending order.
SPB 180-1 VTP TB 1610
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
84.56€ excl. VAT
102.32€ incl. VAT
SPB 180-2 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
114.94€ excl. VAT
139.08€ incl. VAT
SPB 180-3 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
128.33€ excl. VAT
155.28€ incl. VAT
SPB 180-4 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
142.41€ excl. VAT
172.31€ incl. VAT
SPB 190-1 VTP TB 2012
V-Belt Pulley
In Stock We update the stock availability information every 2 hours.
The goods we have in stock are usually ready for shipping or personal collection no later than the next working day. In case of personal collection, please do not come to pick the goods up before we contact you that the goods are ready.
88.31€ excl. VAT
106.85€ incl. VAT
SPB 190-2 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
120.01€ excl. VAT
145.21€ incl. VAT
SPB 190-3 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
135.96€ excl. VAT
164.51€ incl. VAT
SPB 190-4 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
153.31€ excl. VAT
185.50€ incl. VAT
SPB 200-1 VTP TB 2012
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
97.81€ excl. VAT
118.35€ incl. VAT
SPB 200-2 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
127.64€ excl. VAT
154.44€ incl. VAT
SPB 200-3 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
138.04€ excl. VAT
167.03€ incl. VAT
SPB 200-4 VTP TB 3020
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
165.10€ excl. VAT
199.77€ incl. VAT
SPB 212-1 VTP TB 2012
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
103.36€ excl. VAT
125.07€ incl. VAT
SPB 212-2 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
137.35€ excl. VAT
166.19€ incl. VAT
SPB 212-3 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
147.75€ excl. VAT
178.78€ incl. VAT
SPB 212-4 VTP TB 3020
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
176.89€ excl. VAT
214.04€ incl. VAT
SPB 212-5 VTP TB 3020
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
255.27€ excl. VAT
308.88€ incl. VAT
SPB 224-1 VTP TB 2012
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
108.21€ excl. VAT
130.94€ incl. VAT
SPB 224-2 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
142.21€ excl. VAT
172.07€ incl. VAT
SPB 224-3 VTP TB 2517
V-Belt Pulley
At Supplier
Within 2 Weeks Usual time this product is ready for shipping. Actual availability may vary due to unforeseen circumstances in exceptional cases.
167.18€ excl. VAT
202.29€ incl. VAT
Products are sorted by name in ascending order.
Pulleys Fields of Use
The VTP® V-belt pulleys are designed for the highest peripheral speeds in all areas of engineering, especially for applications with high temperature, alternating and impact load, and wherever the conventional cast iron V-belt pulleys cannot be used.
They are typically used in compressors, blowers, machine tools, in the paper and chemical industry and in many other machines.
Pulleys Characteristics
- Up to 50% lower weight
- Increased peripheral speed up to 60 m/s (theoretically up to 100 m/s)
- Lower moments of innertia
- Longer V-belt life-span
- Made of cast iron quality GGG 50 of higher strenght
- New CDP (KTL) coating improves rust protection
- Decreased temperature of the belts - up to 17 °C
Pulleys Material
Cast iron GGG 50.
Pulleys Advantages
Decreased temperature of the belts up to 17 °C
A study demonstrates reduction of temperature of belts in VTP® pulleys up to 10 to 17 °C against standard pulleys. The pulleys have a perforated bottom groove and the heat is drained off the belt better during operation. Punching does not affect the pulley strength.
The tests show that the belts after 2 hours of operation of the VTP® SPB250-4 pulley have a temperature more than 10 °C lower that the standard SPB250-4 pulley.
Pulleys Code Description
SPB 630/4 VTP TB 3525
Code Part | Description |
Profile |
630 |
Nominal diameter of pulley in mm |
4 |
Number of grooves |
Ventilated Turbo Pulley high speed |
TB |
Taper bush |
3525 |
Type of Taper busch |
Pulleys Profile and Dimensions
Profile | Dm [mm] |
α [°] |
B1 [mm] |
Bm [mm] |
E [mm] |
F [mm] |
C [mm] |
T [mm] |
SPB | (≤190) >190 | (38) 34 | 16.3 | 14.0 | 19.0 | 12 | 3.5 | 17.5 |
Crown width \(B\): \[B = {E^{(n-1)} + 2 \cdot F}\ {[mm]}\] where \(n\) is the number of grooves.
Other technical data for particular groove dimensions are to be found in the technical documentation.
Documents for Download
Dimensions and Parameters of SPB VTP V-Belt Pulleys
TYMA CZ Data Sheets
Czech and English (PDF 600.95 kB)