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RINGFEDER Shaft Couplings (formerly TSCHAN)

RINGFEDER (formerly TSCHAN) couplings are shaft couplings of the German manufacturer RINGFEDER designed for the transmission of high torques and speeds. Shaft couplings are available in a variety of series and designs, from the smallest elastic and bellows couplings to the largest gear, disc and special shaft couplings.

RINGFEDER TNM Elastic Couplings - Preview

TNM (Elastic)

Couplings with front claws and elastic rubber element (formerly TSCHAN NORMEX)
Nominal torque of coupling: 13 – 97,500 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 260 mm
RINGFEDER TNS Elastic Couplings - Preview

TNS (Elastic)

Couplings with front claws and elastic element (formerly TSCHAN-S)
Nominal torque of coupling: 0.6 – 40,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 160 mm
RINGFEDER TNB Elastic Couplings - Preview

TNB (Elastic)

Couplings with claws and elastic buffers (formerly TSCHAN-B)
Nominal torque of coupling: 2,500 – 550,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 400 mm
RINGFEDER TNR Highflex Couplings - Preview

TNR (Highflex)

Couplings with adjustable stiffness (formerly TSCHAN-TNR)
Nominal torque of coupling: 144 – 9,600 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 230 mm
RINGFEDER TNZ Gear Couplings - Preview

TNZ (Gear)

Gear couplings (formerly TSCHAN POSIFLEX)
Nominal torque of coupling: 550 – 580,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 320 mm
RINGFEDER TND Disc Couplings - Preview

TND (Disc)

Torsionally rigid disc couplings (formerly TSCHAN POSIMIN)
Nominal torque of coupling: 80 – 144,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 325 mm
RINGFEDER TNK Barrel Couplings - Preview

TNK (Barrel)

Barrel couplings for installation in crane lifting mechanisms (formerly TSCHAN TK)
Nominal torque of coupling: 4,500 – 685,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 400 mm

Couplings Fields of Use

RINGFEDER shaft couplings (formerly TSCHAN) are designed for connecting two shafts in all industries.

They are used in many machines, from small precision instruments and machines to heavy drives in conveyor system drives, cranes and other highly stressed drives in the steel, paper, chemical and rubber industries.

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We also provide design and calculation of transmission components, including shaft couplings. In the case of your interest in this service, use the detailed Transmission Drive Design Form.

Shaft Coupling Manufacturer Profile


RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION GMBH is the international leader in niche markets for drive and damping technology. The company offers their users worldwide outstanding locking devices, damping solutions and coupling systems for the highest functionality and durability requirements in a wide variety of industries.

They not only provide their customers with expert advice based on almost 100 years of experience and expertise, but also develop innovative, tailor-made solutions together with them. Subsidiaries in Germany, the USA, Brazil, China and India as well as a worldwide service and partner network contribute to the global success of the company.

TYMA CZ is an authorized regional distributor of RINGFEDER.

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